When life gives you lemons, take a Bach Flower remedy

Bach Flower remedies are tinctures made from specific flowers. Developed by Dr. Edward Bach early in the 20thcentury, Bach was a bacteriologist who performed leading research in immunology. During the course of his work in this field, he began to understand that minute doses of natural substances can make a big difference in people’s health. Bach was particularly intrigued by how these substances can affect our emotional state.
Interested in looking at how plants could assist in clearing negative emotions, Bach began to experiment with drying and soaking particular flowers and studying their effects. In the end, he developed 38 single flower essences that he felt could address a complete range of emotions and life challenges.
He categorized them into seven major groups which include: fear, uncertainty, loneliness, insufficient interest in present circumstances, oversensitivity to the influence of others, despondency and overcare for the welfare of others.
Can you think of a time in your life where what you were feeling would have fit into one of these categories? Excessively nervous about your teenage son taking the car out for the first time after he gets his drivers’ license? Needing something to help you bounce back after a long stint of overworking? Facing a major decision but feeling unsure as to which way to go? There’s a (Bach Flower) remedy for that!
Bach Flower remedies are also great to send off with family in situations where a little emotional help might be needed. When my son moved to a new city, I packed a Bach Flower remedy that would help ease feelings of homesickness during his first few weeks.
Personally, I always have a combination flower remedy in my purse that is helpful in times of stress. It’s a combination of 5 flower essences that Bach developed specifically for acute situations such as before an exam or after receiving bad news. The remedies are safe for all ages and so can also be of help for children who are having difficulty handling their emotions.
Bach Flower remedies are not meant to be a cure-all but rather are meant to help lift negative emotions. Think of them as a gentle push when you’re feeling stuck.
In my practice, I often use Bach Flower remedies customized to my client’s present challenges alongside a homeopathic remedy that will work over the days and weeks that follow.
To learn more about Edward Bach and his remedies, you can visit a website for the Bach Centre that is dedicated to carrying on his life’s work: https://www.bachcentre.com/