Headaches are a real pain – Jane’s story of recovery

Jane* was a 30-year-old woman who sought out homeopathic treatment for her weekly headaches and hormonal issues. She felt her headaches were brought on by big changes in the weather, say from a sunny, dry day to a cloudy, wet day. She felt the pain in her sinuses and over her right eye, and sometimes down her neck on the right side. The recurrent headaches as well as the physical and emotional symptoms Jane had before her period made Jane feel sapped of energy, as if she were on a roller coaster with so many ups and downs.
The homeopathic remedy Jane was given was geared specifically to feeling unwell due to changes in weather, combined with headaches that affect the sinuses. The remedy also covered the symptoms associated with her PMS.
On Jane’s return visit in one month’s time, she reported a 50% improvement in the emotions and physical discomfort she felt on the approach of her most recent period. She was excited to share that since the last appointment, she had had only one headache that was much reduced in intensity and duration. In a subsequent appointment, Jane was also successfully treated for allergy symptoms that she experienced annually at the beginning of autumn.
During her course of treatment over about six months, Jane’s headaches resolved. In addition, her emotional and physical wellbeing continued to improve along with an increase in her energy, which she channeled into building her business and nurturing a new romantic relationship.
The above client story highlights a few important things about homeopathic treatment of headaches or any other chronic or recurring issue. It also gives some insight into what you can expect from homeopathic treatment that might differ from other treatment modalities.
Noticing what makes your symptoms better or worse
When in the care of a homeopath, it’s important to share as much as you can about what might cause your symptoms. If you are a headache sufferer, you will know that getting to know your triggers for a headache may go some way to avoiding them. Common triggers include hormonal changes, stress, sensitivity to certain foods or beverages, exposure to loud noises.
The goal of homeopathic treatment, however, is to lessen the frequency and severity of a recurring symptom, even when exposed to the usual external or internal trigger.
Jane’s observation that her headaches seem to be associated with changes in the weather was a characteristic that helped me find a remedy customized to her situation.
No issues are “too small”
Clients often seek treatment for a main issue but knowing all current health issues, along with some past history, helps a homeopath have a more complete picture of your situation and will enable a best fitting remedy. For this reason, don’t feel that a symptom is too small or unimportant to share. A homeopath will want to hear it all! Jane’s additional description of her issues related to her hormones helped me see particular patterns in her health picture. This information was vital to finding a remedy that exactly suited Jane’s needs.
We suffer from common conditions differently
You may not consider comparing headache symptoms with friends a fun topic of conversation, but if you did, you may find that each of you experience headache differently. Headaches can be felt in the forehead, above one or both eyes, in the jaw, either temple, on the scalp, back of head or neck. Some headache sufferers may even say their pain moves from one side of the head to the other. During a headache there may also be sensitivity to light, sound or smells.
Headaches can exist as an isolated issue or can be a result of structural issues such as dental problems, congested sinuses or injuries.
Migraine headaches are a result of changes within the brain. This intense form of headache can be accompanied by dizziness, nausea or vomiting. Some people may even have a visual disturbance, called an ‘aura’ right before.
As you can see, all headaches are not created equal. There are 1,278 symptoms listed in a homeopath’s repertory that are associated with headaches and over 1,000 remedies available to treat them! For this reason, getting specific about the type of headache a client is experiencing is crucial to finding the right remedy for them.
In addition to a well-chosen remedy, I work with my clients to develop positive lifestyle changes that can help support and balance the body to address the root cause of head pain. These can include dietary changes, exercise, yoga or other therapeutic modalities.
As seen in Jane’s story, headaches can have a big impact on quality of life. Homeopathy can help – and in turn free up your energy to pursue your goals and dreams!
If you’re in the Guelph area and would like to take a proactive step in addressing recurring headaches, please get in touch to set up a health assessment.
Here’s to freedom!
*Client name and identifying details have been changed to protect client confidentiality.